Friday, April 23, 2010


Ok it's been a really hectic week? srsly. like i slept at 4am on mon and tue, 2am on wed, and 5am ytd. finishing up my work. ok laa last min XD but still! sigh. i thought i'd feel MUCH more relieved after surviving this week, but noooo. next week's gonna be even worse. ahha. like i have a major assignment due on wed, a site analysis due on the same day, a field trp on fri, an assignment due on fri, AND to top it all of right, that same weekend, i have to be at uni form 10am-4pm on both sat and sun doing a individual task. OMGGGG. srsly. and they sd first year is easy? that means next year die d lo!!

Feels good after cleaning the bathroom XD ahhaha. gonna make tiramisu at night? like midnight night hahaha. hope it'll turn out well. at least tmr i have leon's hsewarming and a dinner :) maybe i'll loosen up abit? cos yea i've just really only been thinking abt uni haha.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Omggg the easter break is almost over :'(

And i haven't done any work. HAHA crap. I only haveee 4 days left of my holidays O.O OMG SO LITTLE. im super scared now :( and u must be thinking 'waa wanna die d still wanna blog.' hahaha yes i totally deserve getting nagged at XD but eh srsly lo, it's so difficult to START doing it :(

I dunno whether it's me being homesick or whatever, but all i feel like doing now is sitting in front of the com =/ as in, i don't feel like going to the kitchen, i don't feel like cleaning up (ok everything is NOT dirty ok haha), i dont feel like doing anything T___T

I dunno laaa, like at first i thought 'omg die d when i go aus, cannot take care of myself', then when i came here and everything was ok i was like 'eh quite easy lo.' but then now i think im kinda like 'what am i doing?' GAHHH. omg i have no idea what i'm talking abt.

I would post abt smt else, but i guess i dont wanna talk abt it =/

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sydney was fun :D

I learnt how to take the train, go for the Royal Easter Show, saw the Sydney Opera House, ANDDD learnt how to kill time while waiting for the next flight cos i missed the one back to Adelaide XD hahaha.

I couldnt wait to get back to adelaide, but the first day back, and i'm already dying of boredom HAHAHA. omgggg. like i've been watching HIMYM, time traveler's wife and i love you beth cooper (which happens to be the dummest movie EVER).

OH YAA. u all should totally go watch The Last Song. ahhaha cos of Liam Hemsworth :P haven't really gone OMG at every scene an actor's in sinceeee, i dunno when. HAHA tjen now i know how u feel when u watch zac efron in HSM :P And i like Miley Cyrus now hahahaa.

Going crabbing tmr. hope we'll catch crabs ahhaah.